How Does this Affect you?

Patrick Lovell’s mission is to shed light on the widespread corruption affecting millions of people. This corruption has led to immense suffering, including tragic deaths by suicide, and has turned chaos and disorder into everyday occurrences. A few corrupt individuals have been able to cause such devastation simply because they can.

As you watch, consider this important message:

We must unite and build a critical mass of people currently suffering due to corruption. I am dedicated to our principles and believe our institutions must be reformed. Deception and cowardice thrive on ignorance, but together, we can lead a movement to eradicate corruption. Join us in this vital cause.” Patrick S. Lovell, The Producer

If you’re as disgusted by our reality as I am, then join me in a crusade to destroy that which is destroying us.

I am calling on tens of millions of American patriots to join me by arming themselves with the knowledge of truth that I deliver, at no cost to YOU, in all the material below:

It’s all free to watch because all the American people buy are lies.

If you take a bite out of the apple of knowledge you will be red pilled and can rise above the sea of confusion and pollution of deception to the great heights of clarity. If MILLIONS of us UNITE, we can create the tidal wave crusade to purge corruption and drown the fascism it fuels. But you must become a vector for truth.

My appeal to you is to help spread me far and wide through everything that is choking the arteries of communication through disinformation and misinformation to build this massive movement of truth. That is The Clean New Deal!

When power is abused, everyone pays the price. Break the cycle of corruption.

I got tired of them pissing on my head telling me it was rain!

Watch for Yourself

Corruption impacts every facet of our existence.

Do not delude yourself into believing you are immune.

What is reality in this age of mainstream “fake” media, crackhead social media, misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, and the algorithm that has shaped and influenced madness in an ocean of lies?

Patrick Lovell